Capitalist Party and Health Care
What this has to do with health care I'll get to in a minute. First, we must revisit a bit of monetary policy. Money is no longer coincident with capitalism. That is, money is no longer backed by gold or silver or any precious metal, and retains value only by dictate, that is, by the force of law which insists that it have the valeu represented on its face. No longer being of the set we recognize as capital, it truly has no right to draw a profit, which goes by the name of interest. Tongue in cheek, there is no longer any principal upon which to draw an interest. David Ricardo in his book "Principals of Political Economy and Taxation", 1817 shows us in clear principals that any tax on labor or commodities or capital itself is a tax, ultimately, on capital. Hence if this same principal applies to interest, which it does especially well when money is no longer part of capital, all interest becomes a burden upon capital, in the same way that taxes do.
The medical profession, since the dawn of the enlightenment, has been the most highly respected branch of capitalism. As a consequence, the worth of health care has been held high as a means to reward this field of endeavour and further its success. The health care profession, then, is the bellweather of the fate of capitalism. As the need for assistance to pay for health care increases, it is a reflection of the extent to which our nation's monetary policy has failed to support the principals of capitalism.
The Democratic solutions have been to "socialize" health care, such that the poor can have access to it. Well, in any civilized nation, the poor, or the unemployed do in fact need assistance, and there is no reason that some sort of program need not exist to grant everyone the right to life that we declared was inalienable to anyone. At the same time, we need to recognize the principals in works such as John Maynard Keynes' "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money", 1936, which strove to regulate interest rates in such a way that full employment would be realized. These principals have not been disproved, though Keynes has been demonized by the mass marketing machine for decades to the point where his principals are made to look like the cause and not the solution to our monetary policy failures. His suggestion to use government spending to trim the business cycle was not the basis of his principals, it was an off the cuff suggestion to sustain 100% employment. In addition , the place for it was never to be at the bottom of a business cycle, but at the top to prevent downswings all together.
Unfortunately, these principals were based upon an economy where money still was capital. Today,. the manipulation of the interest rate, which was the real result of Keynes' work does nothing but sustain the lie that money still has a right to interest at all. Government in fact has been priviledging the banking families and banking industry to a right to interest that Article I section 9 of the U.S. constitution expressely forbids. Now the favorite of the banking partricians has been lining the Supreme Court with Justices that will prove blind to this egregious transgression to the principals of liberty of our great nation. A nation, I might add that was never founded nor defended by these barbarians. In fact they have caused us to be led into many wars to their own private benefits, benefits they never had any right to.
The only way to take a stand against this erosion of the principals upon which our nation was founded and grew strong, is to return to those principals and exercise them. This is a principal, I am certain, not lost on Medical Professionals. To do this, we must form a third political party, the missing party, which is the party of Capitalism, which, it is evident is not part of the agenda of the Republican party, now proving that its only goal is the aggrandizement of political power, that is, military power and punishment.
A Capitalist Party must uncompromisingly embrace the principals of capitalism and struggle for its integrity in order that we not fall victim to those who feel they have a right to absolute power. For capitalism to flourish, it cannot share the economy with an arbitrary priviledging of some class or another to a different economic system, which compares most accurately with the feudalism that capitalism liberated us all from. The principals of capitalism must remain pure and uncompromised and the transgressions of those who now boldly stand and rob the conscientious of their legally tendered reward for services proffered to the benefit of the commonwealth, must be sharply curtailed.
The scraps and tidbits of tax breaks offered to those whose income falls in the upper few percent needs to be seen for what it is, a bribe, and a paultry one at that. As interest and taxes fall on the working class, the real burden falls on capital, the source of the wealth of the rich. Either wages must rise to accomodate the tax, which will reflect a diminishing of profit, or consumption will diminish, which also damages the profit potentials of capital. What does a culture that supports this sorry exchange of scraps for structure redound in? A loss of capitalism all together and a complete overthrow of the wealthy by a tyrannical bunch who, from a global perspective look exceedingly alike the Decemvirs of ancient Rome.
From a Hobbesian perspective, it is our duty to obey the laws generated by our sovereign power, but there are caveats. First, Hobbes did not recognize the Republic. Neither did he recognize the centering of the sovereign power in a document such as our constitution represents. Finally, even Hobbes recognized the right to challenge the decrees of sovereignity when it drifted away from sound principals into the uncharted territory of arbitrary whim. Hence, strict dictate has been superceeded by the capacity to question authority and the right to challenge authority along legal avenues can never be discounted. A republic is a balance of power. While Hobbes remained confused about what this meant, claiming that a nation divides against itself cannot stand (a quote that was later taken up and attributed to the Federalists though it originated 150 years earlier), he also clarified that the sovereign power remained in the state of nature, since there was no power above it (excepting in the heavens). A republic forces sovereign power into a miniature civil state by balancing the three primary classes of any society against themselves. Hence there are always two classes to reign in any singular rogue class. Jealousy keeps any two from succeeding in a cartel against the third as well.
This does not, will not and can not work in a two party political system. Instead we get the ancient Roman version of politics with its attendant perpetual political bickering and limitless war, which represents an endless siege against the very nation that provokes it. The solution is a third party, one that represents, with a high degree of integrity, the principals of capitalism, the right to profit from the ownership of capital (physical as well as intellectual). A U.S. Capitalist Party.
Why a Capitalist Party? Because this is the class whose fraction of the social product is diminishing the most and the most steadily (see the proof of this in the piece Economic Republic). This is the consequence of the priviledging of the possessers of money. Interest leads to an inflation of the money supply and inflation itself. Inflation diminishes the capacity to do business in the world beyond the U.S. borders, ultimately isolating us by monetary policy. The Democratic party doesn't understand this, or is complicit in it. Priviledge also represents a diminishing of the status of the productive Aristocratic class and a loss of the wealth of the nation itself. This is intolerable and capitulating over to the Republican party is not the answer.
The name "Capitalist" is well known and is already associated with the term "Democracy", though no one appears to know what either term means, those and the term 'liberty', but they are all what we are supposed to be fighting and dieing for, they are more valuable than life itself, whatever they are. In spite of that, the term is well known and a Capitalist Party stands the strongest chance of gaining seats in the House and Senate over any other party, though its target must be the Senate, since that is its proper domain and a transgression of that goal will lead to the same sort of dysfunction that we are now suffering. For the time being, a candidate for president wouldn't even be a transgression of the principals of a Republic, since someone will be needed to execute the policies that have so long been absent, and bring about the transformation to the sort of Republic that was designed for this nation in the first place.
This is where my contribution ends. There is no U.S. Capitalist Party, and I am not qualified to be a candidate, since I really own nothing other than a 401K. Anyone interested can e-mail me, perhaps with a few resources [an on line petition, a database of potential supporters, names of willing candidates, a means of legitimately collecting campaign contributions and so forth] we can organize something, get this thing started.
Vote U.S. Capitalist Party
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