U.S. Capitalist Party

One of the founding fathers of the United States, John Adams, rarely mentioned today, was important enough to be the first Vice President to George Washington and our second President. He wrote a little bit about constitutional laws and principals. The main idea of a Republic is to keep all power from collecting in one center. History taught us that to accomplish this we have to divide the power between the three classes of people: Democratic, Capitalist and Government.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Reading the classics teaches one the basic principles on which our world was established. This has nearly all been lost in the fog of time past. All that remains are syllogysms and subjunctives it seems. In my BLOGs, i attempt to incorporate principals that are the real basis underlying civilizations as contrasted with the mythology we learn in our childhoods that goes unreflected. About me as a person: I enjoy wine(organic)and pizza (organic), and in the morning a nice strong cup of coffee - organic and fair trade whenever I can get it. I started cooking a lot more lately.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

U.S. Capitalist Party and Wars for Oil

From the perspective of Capital, wars for oil have two main reasons.

The first is that industrial capital is highly dependent upon oil, 1) to transport goods and services. 2) to get employees to and from work. 3) to get customers to and from shopping facilities. 4) to get raw material stock to manufacture with. 5). to produce food in agriculture. 6) and there's probably more.

So to keep industry alive, we must have oil.

The second reason we need wars for oil is that if we don't fight for it, someone else will, such as China or the EU.

So, from this perspective, fighting for oil is critical to our way of life. On the other side of the equation lay the fact that oil is becoming scarce and everyone knows it. One response that I keep attacking is the consumer debt solution, which is a blatent attempt to sustain the leisure class by returning to slavery - Machiavelli's 'liberty of the nobility'. However, this will prove much more complicated than the leisure class can cope with and will fail. Especially since they are missing the point anyway.

The true course that must be laid in is renewable energy, things like wind machines on farm land (just like in the old days, but with better technology). Solar panels on houses and buildings instead of shingles. Shingles and tar paper are products of oil anyway, why not switch completely to roofs covered with solar plates? The excess electricity can be 'sold' back to the grid for use by industry or used individually for transportation, via electric cars. There is lots of sunlight available, it is perhaps our biggest untapped resource.

The problem with it is that it decentrallizes the source of power, which should be embraced if this were a real democracy, but we're not except as lip service, since no one knows much about the history of democracies or republics anyway.

Decentrallizing electricity puts more political power in the hands of true industrial capital, (industrial capital is required to produce the solar panels and wind machines) which is now a days the weakest third of our republic, so it actually strengthens the republic and produces liberty as a biproduct of industrial manufacture. Talk about invisible hands... I suspect that the harnessing of energy was the invisible hand all along.

Now, if we displace oil, the problem is that the Middle East will be even more 'concerned?' about us. The overpopulation caused by decades of oil wealth is probably more the driving force of Middle Eastern 'frustration' today than any religious belief, since, we learn from Spencer, that religion is that part of knowledge that lies beyond the realm of science. Hence, when problems become insurmountable, people tend to turn to religion. As David Hume shows, most religion is supposed to be about celebration, but for the most part people only turn toward religion in times of crisis, and rarely during times of joy.

Since the end is in sight for much of the Middle Eastern peoples, they are living in scary times with or without war. The same proponents of slavery as a solution to oil depletion also believe in attrition as the solution to Middle Eastern overpopulation. However, can they miss the point any wider? The population of the Middle East can be harnessed to produce food, goods and services, all that is required is to reenfranchise the 'Fertile Crescent', with irrigation and soil rejufination techniques such as composts afford. There is still a water issue, but that is an issue at or even above the level of energy shortages, and they both have similar solutions.

Air carries moisture and energy in it. Moisture as humidity, energy as wind and heat. When energy is removed from the air, say by wind turbines, the temperature is lowered, which means that the humidity is more ready to condense out. All that needs to be produced is a mechanism that collects humidity, such as a highly efficient air conditioner that works in tandem with wind machines. In the Middle East, where the humidity can be very low, there are still places where such moisture can be collected. If collected by a large number of individual sources, and combined into one, a lot of water can be produced. If every household had such a device for household water generation, the waste streams could be combined and exploited for agricultural use. Wars of attrition and wars for oil, then become obsolete as a consequence of the capitalist exploitation of manufacture and engineering.

Maybe this sounds like a pipe dream, but only because we have been conditioned to accept the simple solution instead of the appropriate solutions over many too many years, perhaps since the days of Gen. Douglas McArthur or earlier. Political power and capital power are mutually antagonistic, they are NOT allies. The only means by which capitalist solutions can ever gain the perception of the masses as the beneficial solutions is if capital forms the party for which all Senates have been designed, a Capitalist Political Party.

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