U.S. Capitalist Party

One of the founding fathers of the United States, John Adams, rarely mentioned today, was important enough to be the first Vice President to George Washington and our second President. He wrote a little bit about constitutional laws and principals. The main idea of a Republic is to keep all power from collecting in one center. History taught us that to accomplish this we have to divide the power between the three classes of people: Democratic, Capitalist and Government.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Reading the classics teaches one the basic principles on which our world was established. This has nearly all been lost in the fog of time past. All that remains are syllogysms and subjunctives it seems. In my BLOGs, i attempt to incorporate principals that are the real basis underlying civilizations as contrasted with the mythology we learn in our childhoods that goes unreflected. About me as a person: I enjoy wine(organic)and pizza (organic), and in the morning a nice strong cup of coffee - organic and fair trade whenever I can get it. I started cooking a lot more lately.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Transistor Government

Read some Herbert Spencer, his "First Principals" to be exact. It is great philosophy and provides a very telling reason why the military industrial complex is death against evolution. It has nothing to do with the origin of species and everything to do with the antagonism between philosophy and war. Evolution represents the highest level yet attained by philosophy, discussion of it leads to a neutralization of the misunderstandings that lead to conflict and war. Evolution is not only a mechanism by which species diversify, it is more universal than that, in fact it is a philosophical principal that encompasses everything. Spencer defines evolution as a characteristic of real systems where matter condenses when motion disperses. That sounds simple enough, it is based upon the physical principal of conservation of motion, but it leads to some very interesting conclusions. For starters it can predict what will happen to civil societies with differential energy resources. But, publicizing this sort of philosophy would counteract the envy and jealousy that leads nations to despise one another.

For starters, when a force acts on a pure homogeneous object, it must act on its component parts differentially, causing heterogeneity (- we can see here where the biological conceptualization of evolution emerges). To visualize this, just imagine hitting a snowball with a baseball bat. Some of the characteristics of heterogeneity are, first that each of the component parts must be distinct and contrasted with the other parts. Second, each of the distinct parts will be comprised of substance that was acted upon similarly by the differentiating force. Third, all of the distinct and heterogeneous parts remain components of the original system. As components of a whole, each part acts on all the others in unique ways, facilitating the continuing diversification of those parts until an equilibrium state is reached and the original force is balanced by the system it created.

Now, the equilibration process occurs, not linearly, but as oscillations or resonances that swing back and forth from one state to another and back again. We see that in government, where the pendulum swings first Republican and then Democratic, whatever that means. It happens in nature between predator and prey, first an overshoot of prey builds a large predator population, then as the food of the prey is over consumed, the prey population crashes leading to universal starvation of the predators, which allows the prey population to recover and the cycle starts all over again. In the inorganic world, we see oscillations in the waves on a lake, the cycles of winter, spring, summer, fall, or rainy, dry. We see ripples on the ground in deserts or in the sand on beaches from the resonance in the winds. Spencer used the example of thunderstorms, which alternate between periods of violent downpour and steady rain. There are many examples, the periodic resonance of stock markets included as well. Spencer also pointed out that the spiraling of planets, solar systems and galaxies are the consequence of the influence of an original force on homogeneous matter that was off center, as it would most probably be by far. This would tend to produce the spinning motion.

Interesting stuff and great reading, but that material is 150 years old and predates the electronic age. In the modern age, we have discovered ways to harness resonance and simple harmonic motion. One of the most significant inventions of the modern age is the transistor. Sure the stand alone transistor is a thing of the past, but the concept itself is alive and well and is at the heart of every single 'bit' that makes up every single 'byte' in every single computer chip. The computer chip isn't much more than multiple transistors in one (in the billions now, but that is still more than one). All the new technology that we use to process communication, entertainment and whatever else, is computer chip based, which means that it is transistor based. The transistor, then, is the ultimate tool for managing resonance, or oscillations. It is effective, certain and versatile.

A transistor does not have two leads like an inductor or a capacitor, which both also resonate, but in a constant fashion. A transistor has three leads, an emitter, a base and a collector. All three leads contribute to the management of the flow of current through the transistor. The base, if I remember right, is the signal that regulates the intensity of the flow. The collector draws in the source of flow and the emitter provides a pathway for the flow to discharge to. Using a variety of techniques, a transistor can be made to produce oscillations, amplify an oscillation, or combine oscillations into a single signal. If the purpose of government is to establish and maintain an equilibrium state in civil society (Spencer again) a government with three branches is the only form of government that can do its job. Two party governments do not lead, they follow, they are simple two lead components like capacitors or inductors, which can be useful for filtering oscillations to a single frequency range, but they can do nothing about adapting the cycles either rapidly nor accurately. They both work by allowing the build-up of charge and then releasing it to build up in the other direction, like a pendulum. A transistor is like a pendulum where you can freely vary the length of the string the bob swings from.

Now, comparing the republic with the transistor, one can easily discern that the two have a lot in common. The republic is a balance of power between the three components of civil society, the people, capital and government. The transistor balances between signal, current source and current sink. If one were to draw a more accurate parallel, it seems plausible that the emitter compares with the people component of civil society, since they are both the end or purpose of the function. The collector lead of the transistor compares well with Capital, since the economy is the source of all that meets its end in the satisfying of the people. That leaves the base of the transistor to be comparable with government itself, which is a very close comparison too, since the purpose of both is to manage the flow of current.

Just as in the transistor, however, the voltage at the base must be a fraction of what it is at the collector (if I have them identified correctly). If the voltage at the base is too high, the transistor will not function. A government with too much power, then, can not manage the resonance resulting from the equilibration of forces acting on society, whether they be a foreign influence, a natural disaster, or a novel force previously unidentified. A balanced government, just like the well engineered placement of a transistor (or computer chip) can adapt rapidly and effectively to any signal and produce the expected output.

A government missing a lead, on the other hand, can do nothing but ride the signal, a shift in signal outside the natural frequency of the inductor or capacitor can be met only with a reduction in current or response. It can never be met with a full response as that would be disharmonious. When all the circuit has is a base and an emitter and no feedback from the collector (the base and collector are usually tied through a resistance circuit = constitution?), the signal does not result in a tangible output at the emitter. What that metaphor means is that government can posture all it wants, but if there is no balanced collector signal, there is no functional output to the emitter. In other words, capital is hamstrung from satisfying the demands of the population. If governments solution is to increase spending (especially as military industrial output), or output from the base, the current may even flow backwards and shut the collector down completely. It will not provide a stable signal to the emitter or benefit to the people.

Yet this is exactly what our archaic interpretation of our modern system of government does. Domestic capital is ultimately the source of the taxes that are paid to produce the military industrial complex. Domestic capital is the only source of wealth or subsistence for the people, all of us. And, domestic capital is the only signal missing from government, which is why the feedback is so dysfunctional... there is none.

The remedy, and the return path to wealth and prosperity, the path to true liberty, which is the key to international peace, is an emergence of a political voice for domestic capital. A voice for returning the base current to its functional signal strength, a voice for supplying the needs of the population and a voice for realizing the adaptive potential of the system we have inherited, but failed to read the operating instructions on. The starting point is the creation and establishment of the U.S. Capitalist party.

Lets get started:

Join the U.S. Capitalist Party

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