U.S. Capitalist Party

One of the founding fathers of the United States, John Adams, rarely mentioned today, was important enough to be the first Vice President to George Washington and our second President. He wrote a little bit about constitutional laws and principals. The main idea of a Republic is to keep all power from collecting in one center. History taught us that to accomplish this we have to divide the power between the three classes of people: Democratic, Capitalist and Government.

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Location: Wisconsin, United States

Reading the classics teaches one the basic principles on which our world was established. This has nearly all been lost in the fog of time past. All that remains are syllogysms and subjunctives it seems. In my BLOGs, i attempt to incorporate principals that are the real basis underlying civilizations as contrasted with the mythology we learn in our childhoods that goes unreflected. About me as a person: I enjoy wine(organic)and pizza (organic), and in the morning a nice strong cup of coffee - organic and fair trade whenever I can get it. I started cooking a lot more lately.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It don't matter

Have finished reading Herbert Spencer's "Principles of Sociology" all four volumes. It took awhile to digest it all. But my conclusion, now, is that a Republic is only necessary in a militant state, where concepts such as 'balance of power' has any meaning. In an industrial state, or industrious world - a biospherically provident and sustainable one - where all relationships are cooperative and not coercive, there is no necessity for any 'balancing of power'. Government is for nothing other than organizing large scale projects like highways, railroads and migratory corridors. At present, they are impoverishing the people of our country with their monetary policies that make a two year old seem mature, and then begging us to work harder - when we are already the most productive people on earth. Cough! The party doesn't matter. Perhaps they should stop partying, tea and crumpets or beer and pizza, it doesn't matter, and start doing something constructive. They are too cowardly to do what really needs to be done though (outlaw interest and secure the long term value of our fiat money). Send some more boys off to their graves instead. It looks brave!!

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